Coach Your Team to Lift Performance & Results 2024 - 11 June 2024 (On Demand)


My team know what they need to be doing – why aren’t they doing it?’

Sound familiar? Do you struggle to keep your team on track and focused on what they need to achieve?

If this is a challenge for you as a leader, this webinar is for you. Effective workplace coaching can significantly lift individual and team performance and results, WITHOUT having to commit lots of extra time (or any additional money!). It’s one of the most high-leverage activities a leader can engage in – and when done well, has the added bonus of lifting workplace engagement.

You’ll learn:

  • What coaching is and isn’t (it’s not what most people think!)
  • How just a few minutes each day (or even week) can make a big difference in lifting the performance of your team
  • One very simple yet vital change in the way you communicate with your team that can make all the difference in lifting performance and results

This is a practical session to build a vital business skill than anyone can learn and apply immediately.


11 June 2024


A practical and proven approach to:

  • Improve communication
  • Achieve greater buy-in
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase performance and results through others


Any leader at any level – anyone who wants to achieve greater performance and results from their team.


Stuart Sinclair, Director, &So Ltd


1 CPD Hour

  • On Demand Event
    • $175.00 excl. GST
    Complete online in your own time (Self-paced)
    • $175.00 excl. GST

Coming Soon

All Coming Soon >>


Our webinars operate on a 'one-connection-one-fee' basis so you can have your whole team participate for one cost effective price and claim CPD points.


All registrants to a live webinar will automatically be sent a recording at the end of that week along with a full transcript of the webinar, regardless of whether you attended or not.

Sole practitioners

A discount on webinars is available for sole practitioners. Please contact us at NZ‑ to confirm eligibility.