Foreign Investment Funds (FIFs) 2024 - 16 May 2024 (On Demand)


In recent times, many businesses have been forced to endure the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis fluctuations in the world economy and interest rate changes. Some businesses have prospered while others have seen market share diminish.

During this time, the share markets around the world have seen a significant amount of volatility as investors seek gains. Others have looked to alternative strategies such as trading in options.

Now more than ever before, advisors need to be aware of the options/pitfalls to ensure we advise our clients correctly in this highly technical area of the law.

This course will work through the Foreign Investment Fund regime at a high level and its application including the various disclosures required by the IRD.

We will also outline the current issues in this area and the potential implications of these to you and your clients and where the Inland Revenue Department are likely to focus.


16 May 2024


By attending this course you will get a better understanding of the FIF rules and the current issues impacting on taxpayers.


CA/Lawyer/Advisor – Manager level (but potentially all levels subject to knowledge base).


Jarod Chisholm, Managing Partner (NZ) – Tax Advisory, Findex/Crowe (presenting on behalf of TEO).

1.25 CPD Hours

  • On Demand Event
    • $195.00 excl. GST
    Complete online in your own time (Self-paced)
    • $195.00 excl. GST

Coming Soon

All Coming Soon >>


Our webinars operate on a 'one-connection-one-fee' basis so you can have your whole team participate for one cost effective price and claim CPD points.


All registrants to a live webinar will automatically be sent a recording at the end of that week along with a full transcript of the webinar, regardless of whether you attended or not.

Sole practitioners

A discount on webinars is available for sole practitioners. Please contact us at NZ‑ to confirm eligibility.