Marks & Worth Lawyers

On Demand Event Drafting and Interpreting Agreements for Sale and Purchase 2024 - 2 July 2024 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 75 minutes
On Demand Event Lawyer-assisted Disputes Tribunal Claims 2023 - 28 February 2023 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 60 minutes
On Demand Event Practical Guidance on the PPSR (Personal Property Securities Register) 2023 - 22 June 2023 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 60 minutes
On Demand Event Relationship Property 101 Part One 2023 - Overview of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 - 5 September 2023 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 60 minutes
On Demand Event Relationship Property 101 Part Two 2023 – Practical Guide to Drafting & Advising - 17 October 2023 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 60 minutes
On Demand Event Sale and Purchase of a Business – Key Concepts for Advisers 2023 - 28 March 2023 (On Demand)
On Demand Event - 60 minutes