What’s the fuss about Power BI and would it benefit your business?
Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that provides business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. In other words, it’s a tool to help you make sense of your data.
This webinar is designed as an introduction to Power BI for non-IT attendees. General managers can use the session to understand what Power BI can do for them.
The session will include:
Attendees will learn what Power BI is, why it can be so useful, what skills you might need, how to outsource and what costs you might incur to use Power BI.
GM’s, Team Leaders and anyone wanting to understand what Power BI is all about from a non-technical standpoint.
Richard Dams, BI Analyst
Richard worked in the City of London for 12 years trading in the fixed income derivative markets where he used Excel every day to make his trading decisions. He now works in business intelligence creating informative dashboards in Power BI.
1 CPD Hour