Join Vicki Ammundsen in this insightful webinar as she delves into best practices for disclosure under the Trusts Act, covering key aspects from legal advice requests to cost implications of non-disclosure
In Addleman v Lambie, the trustee’s costs on account of its failure to make disclosure of trust information including legal advice resulted in a costs award against the trustee of $1,959,885.35 together with an order that these costs must be met by the trustee personally and could not be met from the Trust.
In this webinar Vicki Ammundsen will explore current industry approaches to disclosure with a view to establishing sensible parameters of best practice.
This webinar will consider:
Practical examples will be provided by reference to contemporary case law.
Attendees will learn how to critically assess trustee’s disclosure obligations with respect to legal advice and the costs that trustees can be liable for where disclosure is improperly withheld.
This webinar is targeted at practitioners at all levels with an interest in trust law but will be of particular interest to practitioners who advise clients with respect to contentious trust matters.
Vicki Ammundsen, Director, Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law Limited.
Vicki is a director at Vicki Ammundsen Trust Law. Vicki's approach to trust law is practical but also grounded in a good understanding of trust law principles, related legislation and case law. As the author of a number of texts including Taxation of Trusts, the Trustee's Handbook and Trustee Liability, Vicki is well placed to provide advice on all areas of trust law.
1.5 CPD Hours