Note: this webinar is the second of a two part Trusts for New Practitioners and Practitioners New to Trusts series, with the first part working through a case study in order to evaluate whether a trust is the right vehicle for the client and asking the ‘pertinent’ client questions when setting up the trust. You can save 10% by purchasing both webinars together. To browse this option click here.
Tips and Tricks in drafting the trust deed.
Following the first webinar, this webinar considers the drafting of the trust deed and takes practitioners through critical elements that must be considered when drafting that include:
The aim of this we webinar is to provide a simple and clear framework that provides practitioners with the skills and tools they need to navigate this complex area of law.
29 August 2024
A practical guide to drafting the trust deed for new practitioners and practitioners new to trusts.
New practitioners and practitioners new to the field of trust law, tax, duties, obligations, and powers. Practitioners includes lawyers, accountants, trustee companies, trust consultants.
Dr Maria A Pozza, Director/Lawyer, Gravity Lawyers
Bethan Read, Special Counsel, Morris
1.5 CPD Hours